Prof. Neil Vickers is Professor of English Literature and the Health Humanities at King’s College London where he also codirects the Centre for the Humanities and Health. He has had two careers, one in literature (at Oxford, Cambridge and King’s London) and one in epidemiology (at UCL and at St George’s Hospital Medical School). Neil Vickers has published widely on Coleridge and medical subjects and is the author of Coleridge and the Doctors (2004). He has just completed a book on the transpersonal dimensions of illness called Shared Life and the Experience of Illness which he hopes will appear in 2023. Recent articles of interest to medical humanities scholars include ‘Winnicott’s Notion of Holding as Applied to Serious Physical Illness’ (2020), ‘Illness and Femininity in Hilary Mantel’s Giving Up the Ghost’ (2019) and Illness Narrative (2016).
Full Profile at King’s College